Major categories are: ecocentrism, anthropocentrism and technocentrism
What is ecocentrism?
Ecocentric world of view:
· The earth is here for all species
· Resources are limited
· We should manage growth so that only beneficial forms occur
· We must work with the Earth, not against it
· We need the Earth more than it needs usDeep ecologists put more value on nature than humanity. They believe biorights which are universal rights, all species and ecosystems have a value, and no one has right to disturb. Deep ecologists wish that policies to be changed to reduce our impacts on environment including a decrease in the human population and consuming less resources.
What is anthropocentrism and technocentrism?
This world view puts the individual organisms or species at the centre.
Human/technology centred. Humans are not dependent on nature but nature is no benefit on human.
Anthropocentric and technocentric world view:
· We are the Earth’s most important species , we are in charge
· There will always be more resource to exploit
· We will control and manage these resoureces and be successful
· We can solve any pollution problem
· Economic growth is a good thing and focusing on economical development
· Therefore whatever we do, we can solve it.
Most people in MEDCs (more economically developed countries) and the industrial countries have these worldview. Humans are the dominant species on Earth and we can manage the environment to suit our needs. Other species have value if they were useful.